Ash and Rubber - Chapter 19 - mtnetsurfer (2024)

Chapter Text

Opening - Hikari E

On a Marine ship, a man was busy folding an origami figure. As it happened, his fleet was in the middle of trying to attack the Going Merry.

"Jeez, give us a break already!," Usopp called out.

On the Marine ship, a soldier knocked on the door.

"Lieutenant Commander Pasqua! We need you on the bridge!"

Pasqua finished his origami and opened the door. He then proceeded to hit the soldier with a powerful flick to the forehead.

"I'm not deaf, you idiot. You only need to knock once."

"Sorry, sir," the soldier said, "But we're currently engaging the Straw Hat Pirates."

Pasqua quickly ran up to the deck, where he was greeted by his fellow officer Isoka.

"You almost missed a historic encounter," she said.

Pasqua took a look through the binoculars.

"That's the Straw Hat's flag. No doubt about it."

"We've been firing warning shots," a soldier said, "But they've shown no signs of stopping. We'd appreciate it you'd do your special technique."

"I suppose I could," Pasqua said.

The officers grinned as he took off his coat and pulled a one berri coin out of his pocket. It was his special Finger Bomb technique, one that had sunk countless pirates ships in the past.

"Think he's heard us?," Pasqua asked.

"Obviously he would have," Isoka said, "And Thomas starts aiming right about... Now."

A sudden ash blast hit Pasqua right in the nose, causing him to sneeze and accidentally fire his Finger Bomb right into another Marine ship.

"Uh, whoops," Thomas said, "I did not think that was going to happen."

"Well, it gives us a chance to escape while their formation collapses," Alvida said.

Harvey was looking back at the flagship.

"Something wrong?," Lasso said.

"For some reason the officers on that ship knew that would happen," Harvey said, "But they didn't do anything to stop it."

Pasqua and Isoka watched as the Merry sailed off while the soldiers scrambled to rescue the floaters.

"Looks like the wheel of fortune is starting to turn," Isoka said.

"Right as history required," Pasqua noted, "From here we should be able to let the Straw Hats do the rest. Once the wounded are tended to, we sail for Ruluka Island as scheduled."

"After fifty long years," Isoka said, "We'll finally be able to end our home's misery."

"Looks like we lost them," Robin noted.

"They's been comings after us a lot lately," Boss noted.

"Our crew's total bounty is reaching the 400 million berri mark," Zoro pointed out, "Can't blame them for going all out."

"Looks like we're coming up to a harbor," Chopper said.

"Finally, a chance to stretch out," Johnny said, "Sea life's been getting rough."

"Well, at least I'm not getting scurvy anymore," Yosaku said.

The Merry approached a seaside town near a tower of some kind. As they started to dock near the tower, a patrol officer stopped them.

"Hold on there! All ships docking, even at the rocks, must pay harbor dues!"

"A tax just for docking?," Nami said, "That never happened at any other island we were on."

"Because it's your duty!," the officer said, pointing his rifle, "Now pay up or pay the consequences!"

The rifle was then shot out of his hand by Lasso.

"Neither," Lasso quipped.

"That's a fine for damaging tax official property!," the officer declared.

"You're down one gun and facing down people you really are outmatched by," Sanji said, "I'd move on if I were you."

The officer took a fighting stance, refusing to back down. Then Boss slammed his Buru Buru Blade into the officer's skull, knocking him out.

"Mm-hm, definitely worths every berri..."

"Excuse me!," an old man said, appearing on the cliff above, "I'd like to ask you all something!"

The man was wearing a lab coat and had a large metal backpack, with a helmet and visor covering his face.

"Some new kind of clown?," Robin wondered.

"Nah, he's not even in Buggy's league," Thomas said dismissively.

"Maybe he's a salesman," Usopp suggested.

"I'm neither!," the old man declared.

He lifted up his visor.

"Have you seen a rainbow-colored mist at all?"

"I don't think so," Luffy said.

"Hang on," Chopper said, "I think that was the title of Robin's favorite book."

The man named Henzo treated the crew to lunch at a local restaurant.

"I'm a scientist researching the Rainbow Mist," Henzo explained, "You mentioned a book you were reading regarding it."

Robin showed him the fourth volume she had started.

"Just where did you get this?," Henzo asked.

"It's a popular story in my home country of Alabasta," Vivi explained, "The name of the author was never given, but it was written 40 years ago. According to the story, the Rainbow Mist is believed to be the garden of the gods."

"Some stories even claim it's the entrance to the city of gold," Robin added, "Calm down, Nami, it's only legend."

Nami grumbled as he ate her food.

"I too have heard all the legends," Henzo said, "I can tell you for certain that most of them are complete bunk. Any adventurer that has ever gone in search of the Rainbow Mist has never returned. That includes... My own friends..."

"Don't take what he says seriously," the waiter said, "He's one of Mayor Wetton's dogs. He's just a flimflam scientist receiving research funds and living the easy life."

A sudden drum procession was suddenly heard outside.

"Oh great," the waiter said, "It's the tax collection squad. Better hurry and finish you... Meal?"

He noticed the food was already gone. The other customers were already scrambling to finish their own food. The officers entering the restaurant were led by a red-haired man with a sinister face.

"Greetings, citizens," the man said, "I hope you're enjoying your meal today."

"I wanna punch this guy," Luffy said.

"Let's wait and see what he's about," Thomas said.

The man started looking at everyone, doling what seemed to be extreme taxation. One man got taxed for drinking liquor even though he'd already paid for it.

"A citizen's obligation is to pay taxes," the man said, "Those who neglect their obligations have no right to live in this humble town."

"This is just horrible," Vivi whispered, "Yeah, taxes are an important part of the economy. But if Father saw this he'd tear the city apart."

"How do the taxes work in Alabasta?," Brusa wondered.

"Each town only has to pay a bi-monthly tithe based on five percent of their total sales," Vivi said, "It adds up really quick. This is less taxes and more bleeding the citizens dry."

"So who's is this palooka?," Boss wondered.

"He's Mayor Wetton's son, Flip," the waiter explained, "A disagreeable sort who extorts all sorts of tax money out of us."

"How has your economy not collapsed under its own eight?," Lasso wondered.

Flip overheard and grinned when he saw Henzo.

"Well, well, what a surprise. I didn't expect you to be here, Professor. Father was actually looking for you regarding your mist research."

"The same as it always does," Henzo said, "Like I said, there's no telling when or where the rainbow mist will appear."

"You do realize your research is being supported by the citizens' tax berries," Flip pointed out, "And that sort of research does not come cheap. The Rainbow Tower alone cost a small fortune. And the slower your research goes, the more taxes we have to collect. And that makes everyone more upset."

He noticed Carue, Lasso, Boss, Chopper, and Harvey.

"There's also a pet tax."

"They're not our pets," Luffy said, "They're our crew members."

"Yo," the animals all said in unison.

Flip raised an eyebrow.

"Devil Fruits?"

"Is there a tax on that, too?," Thomas said.

"With how rare they are?," Flip said, "Of course not. Anyway, if they're not pets that's fine."

He left without another word.

"You see what I mean?," the waiter said, "If you don't want people thinking ill of you, you'd be better off not hanging around Henzo."

"How about blaming the mayor for the unfair taxes instead of blaming the scientist who's clearly hurt by your words?," Robin said, "Would you think the same if the mayor simply raised the rational taxes instead of making up so many extortionate ones?"

That actually seemed to hit a chord in the waiter and the other customers.

"I think we've overstayed our welcome," Zoro said, "We should leave this town before those tax jerks try to bilk us again."

As the group started check out the shops, they were suddenly stopped by a man in a mech suit.

"I am Mayor Wetton's grandson, Lake!," the man declared, "The officer who seizes unpaid taxes from the insolent!"

"These guys are really trying our patience," Sanji said with a sigh.

Lake charged forward, only for Thomas to move in.

"Brimstone Flurry!"

He struck with a series of ash kicks, which caused the mech to start to short out.

"An electric barrier," Thomas noted, "Good thing I'm zap proof."

He noted the nearby generator. Lake growled.

"Dynamo Squad, increase output!"

"It's not gonna work," Thomas warned, "Volcanic ash is a potent insulator. And right now there's plenty inside your suit from my last attack. You try anything, and it might blow up."

Lake looked nervous. But suddenly a bell sounded through the town.

"Hey, a galleon's approaching!," someone called out.

A massive ship with a bull figurehead approached the harbor.

"Oh," Henzo said, "It's the Talielisin."

He hurried over to a motorcar he created called the H-1 and headed over. As it leapt off the dock, the vehicle turned into a hovercraft. Everyone was watching, when a sudden explosion was heard. Lake coughed as he got out of his power armor.

"I tried to warn you," Thomas said.

Henzo searched the galleon, checking through all the rooms.

"Rapanui! Isoka! Rongo! Pukau! Akibi!"

But the galleon appeared to be completely empty. Distraught, Henzo walked back onto the deck.

"Gum Gum Rocket!"

"Brimstone Launcher!"

Henzo looked down and was shocked to see Luffy and Thomas leaping up from the Merry using their Devil Fruit powers.

"You two ate Devil Fruits?," he asked.

"Sure," Luffy said, "I ate the Gum-Gum Fruit, and it made me a rubber man."

"And I ate the Ash-Ash Fruit," Thomas said, "Making me an ash man."

"So what was that machine you were using earlier?," Luffy said.

"It's called the H-1," Henzo explained, "My own creation."

The two brothers, Robin, and Harvey joined Henzo as he checked the galleon.

"This ship looks like an old model," Robin noted.

"And with plenty of battle scars," Thomas said.

"But all the food looks fresh," Luffy said, "Like there were people here only a little while ago."

"It was actually fifty years ago," Henzo clarified, "That's when this ship first went adrift."

"Pretty good condition for a fifty year old ship," Harvey noted.

"Yes, it would be," Henzo said.

Suddenly, the radar dish on his backpack went off.

"It's reacting!," Henzo realized, "And the reading is stronger than anything I've ever gotten! We need to head outside!"

Just outside the island, a large rainbow-colored mist was approaching.

"Damn it, the H-1 is too small to take on the open sea," Henzo said.

Luffy looked at him.

"Harvey, call the crew to board the Merry. We're helping Henzo reach that mist."

Henzo was surprised.

"You'll actually take me out there."

"I don't buy all the mean things the townsfolk are saying," Luffy said, "That Rainbow Mist is a dream of yours, yeah?"

"Well, I suppose that's accurate," Henzo agreed.

"We happen to be in the business of helping people with their dreams whenever possible," Thomas explained, "And our crew is one of the finest."

The Merry was up and ready within seconds and started sailing for the mist.

"Why couldn't we take the galleon for this?," Usopp said.

"The Talielisin's helm is still broken," Henzo explained, "By Wetton's hand. I know, because I was aboard that vessel fifty years ago."

"You said earlier that no one who ever sailed into the Rainbow Mist ever returned," Thomas noted, "What do you expect to find in there?"

"That is something you need to see to believe," Henzo replied.

And with that, the Rainbow Mist enveloped the Merry.

Within the mist, the Merry came out into a ship graveyard.

"What is this place?," Robin asked.

"It's called Ape's Concert," Henzo explained, "An infamous location that is said to be impossible to escape from. Hence all the wrecked ships."

"What have we gotten ourselves into this time?," Zoro wondered.

"At least we don't have to worry about crazy taxes out here," Honey said.

"According to the story," Robin said, "Beyond the Rainbow Mist lies the Land of Eternity, the final paradise remaining in the world."

"Thome paradithe," Carue quipped.

"But Land of Eternity might be appropriate," Lasso noted, "For some reason none of these ships smell of wet or rotting wood."

"Supposedly the Land of Eternity is filled with gold and silver," Vivi noted, "In Alabasta it's used as a cautionary tale. For desert dwellers water is more valuable than gold. Also, the people who live in this land are said to have eternal life without aging and never feel hunger."

"That sounds horrible!," Luffy said, "Who would want eternal life? Not to mention never needing to eat? What good's living if you can't enjoy food?"

"Well you've certainly got a wise way of thinking," Henzo noted, "But like I said earlier, that story is nothing more than legend. Fifty years ago I got a brief glimpse of this place. My friends, however, were swallowed up by it. I've been researching the Rainbow Mist ever since, hoping to rescue them. In the process I become Wetton's dog, forced to endure the scorn of the people so I could reach my goal. When the Talielisin returned I had hoped they returned with it, but no such luck."

"But why would Wetton be willing to fund your research?," Brusa asked, "Everyone in the village seems to think it's a crock."

"Take a look at all these ships," Henzo said, "Most of them are pirate vessels that have gotten lost over the last fifty years. Many of them likely still have treasure aboard."

There was a splash heard, and Nami coughed and sputtered as Honey doused her with the cleaning bucket.

"You really need to soak your head sometimes," Honey said.

"Sue me for being money-hungry!," Nami called out.

"She get the berri signs again?," Robin asked.

"Every time someone mentions the possibility of riches," Alvida said with a sigh.

"How poor were you as a kid?," Vivi asked.

"Let's just say I was on the other end of the spectrum from you growing up," Nami explained.

A sudden ringing sounded through the sea, catching everyone's attention.

"Who dare's disturb the eternal rest of the dead?," a voice called out, echoing.

"Anyone else feeling deja vu?," Zoro asked.

"Harvey, pinpoint it," Thomas said.

Harvey created an echolocation with his Devil Fruit powers.

"I'm picking up a few heartbeats," Harvey said, "We ain't the only people here. There's definitely someone living among those ships."

"Hey, no fair!," a new voice called out, "We were supposed to scare you out of this place!"

There was the sound of something being struck, and the second voice yelped in pain. Then, several figures draped in white sheets with eye holes cut into them approached, making the scariest noises they could. The crew just stared at them in bemusem*nt. Suddenly an arrow wisped through Thomas's body while leaving an ash trail.

"AH!," the voices called out, "A real ghost!"

"Over there!," Harvey called out, pointing to a nearby ship.

Thomas, Luffy, Honey, and Robin all quickly used their Devil Fruit to gather up the figures behind the voices. Henzo was stunned when he saw the five kids that had been brought out.

"And just who are you guys?," Luffy asked.

"We're the Pumpkin Pirates," the leader said, "And Ape's Concert is our territory. My name is--"

"Rapanui," Henzo said, "It is you, isn't it? And Isoka, Rongo, Akibi, and Pukau."

The four boys and one girl stared at Henzo in shock.

"It's me Henzo," Henzo said, "We all used to play together on Cape Ruluka."

"Is that really Henzo?," Isoka asked.

"It can't be," Rapanui said, "He's an old man, but Henzo's our age."

Henzo took out a small round device Rapanui said and pressed the button on it. It created a flash of light before popping open to reveal a spring-loaded Jolly Roger with a pumpkin for a skull.

"The old Kaboom Mark III," Henzo noted, "My earliest invention. A gizmo created for bluffing."

Rapanui looked shocked.

"But how...?"

"You have no idea how long it's really been, do you?," Henzo said.

He started to explain his history with these kids. Fifty years ago, the six kids were playing together at a cape on the edge of the island. In those days pirates were seen as explorers, so it was common for kids to band together and playfully call themselves a pirate crew. And these six, Rapanui, Isoka, Rongo, Akibi, Pukau, and Henzo, called themselves the Pumpkin Pirates.

"Just think of it, guys," Rapanui said, "One day, we'll be grown up enough to become pirates ourselves. Then we can go on lots of great adventures."

"But isn't you dad a Marine?," Henzo asked, "Will he even let you be a pirate?"

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it," Rapanui said.

"There's plenty of places no one knows about," Pukau noted, "Especially here in the Grand Line. It's not even fully explored yet."

"Wouldn't it be great to be the first ones to reach the end of it?," Akibi asked.

"Yeah, there could be amazing creatures or hidden treasures," Isoka said.

"But wouldn't we have to fight a lot of pirates at the same time?," Rongo asked, "I hear the Rocks Pirates are the leading force in the Grand Line right now. Their captain Xebec is scary."

"We would have to fight a lot," Henzo noted, "And I'm not very strong."

"There's other ways to fight besides strength," Rapanui assured him, "Like how you're a good inventor. With your genius, you could create all kinds of gear we can use to explore."

Unfortunately, it wasn't long before tragedy struck. One day the Talielisin pulled up to the island. While this was happening, Henzo had perfected the Kaboom Mark III. As the friends were marveling at it, Akibi saw the smoke rising from the other side of the island.

"Hey! Something's going on! It looks like the town's on fire!"

Scared for their parents, the kids hurried to check out the town and find out what was happening. That was the day Wetton had attacked the town.

"Leave nothing of value!," he ordered, "And kill everyone that opposes us, the Wetton Pirates!"

"Ah, so Wetton was originally a pirate," Thomas said, "I knew the name sounded familiar, Dad must have mentioned him at some point."

"Hush," Henzo reprimanded, "I'm trying to tell my story."

Wetton noticed the Pumpkin Pirates, but Rapanui had the group head for the dock to take a ship out and flee.

"What about our parents?," Rongo asked.

"If we stay we'll get killed," Rapanui said, "Let's go!"

Wetton tried to attack with his axe, but the kids proved craftier and even with the fires they knew the town well enough to stay ahead of him. The struggle reached the Talielisin, which the kids managed to set off despite Wetton's best efforts. That was when the Rainbow Mist appeared. Unfortunately, Wetton had wound up destroying the helm during the struggle, so it was impossible to turn the galleon around.

"It was only because of Rapanui's finger strength and me tackling Wetton off the ship that we even survived," Henzo said, "But the Talielisin wound up swallowed into the Rainbow Mist."

"But hold on," Rapanui said, "All that is true, but that only happened a few days ago."

"Not from outside the Ape's Concert," Henzo said, "Time in here is different from outside. Think about it. Do you really all these ships would have been swallowed up over the course of a few mere days?"

The kids looked at each other, dreading what Henzo would say next.

"It's been fifty years since I last saw you," he said, "Fifty years I've been trying to unlock the mystery of the Rainbow Mist to find you again."

"Uh, not to interrupt the moment," Usopp said, "But if time is compressed in this place then... DON'T YOU THINK WE SHOULD FIND A WAY TO ESCAPE!?"

"He's right," Robin said, "If we don't find a way to leave we'll be stuck for fifty years as well. And it would only feel like a month at most. Perhaps the story has some clues."

Thomas fired off an ash shot behind them from where they came in, only for it to impact right in front.

"I'm afraid the local space is completely distorted," Henzo said, "This place is like a maze that doesn't let anyone leave."

"No, a maze would still have an exit of some kind," Thomas noted, "This is more like a trap. But there has to be some way out. The Talielisin eventually made it back, sans any passengers, so it's not like escape is completely impossible."

"True," Henzo said, "Hey, come to think of it... What happened to Wetton's raid captain Ian?"

"We have him locked up in a wrecked Marine vessel not far from here," Rapanui said, "We made the place our HQ for the time being."

"I just had a thought," Robin said, "If the Talielisin was Wetton's old ship, and he's been looking for a way into the Rainbow Mist to reach here, surely he'd have the means to safely enter and then leave, correct?"

"The Rainbow Mist did remain for at least a few hours the last time," Henzo said, "Meaning it's likely still hanging near Ruluka."

"So we just have to wait for a bit," Sanji said, "I'll make us something to eat."

The kids enjoyed the best lunch they'd had in ages as the crew told them of their adventures.

"And then when I hit the commanding officer with my Brimstone Shot," Thomas said, "He wound up flicking the coin right into a nearby Marine ship. Not my brightest moment."

"So you're really Edward Newgate's son?," Isoka asked, "He's the quartermaster for the Rocks Pirates."

"The Rocks Pirates have been defunct for decades," Vivi said, "Then came the time of Gold Roger, the King of the Pirates. Now we're following in his footsteps."

"And Dad has been a captain himself ever since that time," Thomas added.

"It really has been fifty years," Rongo said sadly, "There's so much we missed."

"And you're a princess in Alabasta?," Isoka asked Vivi, "Does that mean you know King Amun?"

"That was my grandfather," Vivi said, "And he actually died a few years before I was born. My father Cobra is the current king."

"What about the giants said to be on Little Garden?," Akibi asked.

"We actually got them to call their duel a draw," Luffy said, "I'm not sure if they're still on the island or if they already sailed off to find their friends."

Suddenly, Henzo's Transponder Snail started going off. Harvey grinned and cleared his throat.

"Go ahead and answer it," he told Henzo, "But don't actually respond."

Henzo nodded.

'Henzo, are you there?,' came Wetton's voice.

"Captain?," Harvey called out in a different voice.

The kids were all shocked.

"He copied Ian's voice," Rapanui said.

'Wait, that voice,' Wetton said, 'Ian, is that you? I haven't heard from you in fifty years.'

"It's been that long?," Harvey said, "Felt more like days. Those brats had me locked up in a wrecked Marine ship after the Talielisin sailed off without us."

'Is there an old professor with you?,' Wetton asked.

"Yeah, but I killed him when he got close," Harvey said, "That's how I got this Transponder Snail."

'Well, that's fine,' Wetton said, 'I was really only using him to get the treasure inside Ape's Concert. Poor fool thought I'd actually help him find his friends. Still, his genius was the real deal. Thanks to him I was able to successfully construct a tower that can connect the Rainbow Mist with Ruluka.'

"What's he talking about?," Nami whispered.

"What did you think the Rainbow Tower was for?," Henzo whispered back, "It makes a poor lighthouse, I can tell you that."

Meanwhile, Luffy was sitting with Rapanui.

"I can't believe fifty years have passed," Rapanui said, "Seeing Henzo so old like that... I hate that he has to feel what I felt."

He got out a locket with a picture of his father.

"After Dad became a Marine, he left on a journey. I waited years for him to return, but he never did. The Marine ship is actually his. When we wound up here I recognized it, and searched for him. But there was no sign of him anywhere."

Suddenly, a large metal ship started floating through the waters. It was Wetton's forces.

"Now's our chance," Luffy said, "It's time to get out of here!"

The tax officers were shocked by the sudden attack of the Kung-Fu Dugongs, as they were assailed by the Straw Hats.

"What the heck's going on out here!?," Wetton demanded.

He had stepped out in another powered armor, this one with attached flamethrowers. Thomas grinned as he approached.

"Hold on," Wetton said, "That face... That grin... I've seen it before! That monster Edward Newgate!"

"You're not the only pirate who decided to start a family after fifty years," Thomas said, "The former quartermaster you knew became quite the big deal since then. He became a captain in his own right, got strong enough to become a pirate Emperor, now being known as Whitebeard. Oh yeah, and he also fathered a son."

He ignited his ash body.

"That would be me. Name's Brimstone Martin Thomas."

Wetton unleashed his flamethrowers, but he was shocked that they didn't do anything.

"Sorry, old geezer," Thomas said, "But I'm already ashes. There's nothing left of me to burn. Brimstone Ignition Bash!"

Wetton quickly abandoned his armor as Thomas struck it, causing a massive explosion that caused a chain reaction and collapsed the Rainbow Tower.

"No!," Wetton called out, "My ship! How am I supposed to haul off all that treasure!?"

"I'm pretty sure our navigator's already gotten what we can carry on our own ship," Thomas quipped.

The explosion seemed to be causing a distortion in the Ape's Concert.

"Not good," Henzo said, "That explosion disrupted the delicate balance of this space! The warping effect is quickly expanding!"

Rapanui then noticed something.

"Hey! There's a crack with the sun shining through it!"

"Boss, Alvida, we need to scramble!," Luffy ordered.

The two of them started coordinating the Dugongs to grab everyone they could and pile them on the Merry.

"We're not moving fast enough!," Nami said, "If that light disappears we could be stuck here!"

Rapanui quickly dove in the water and swam for the ship.

"We'll detonate my dad's old ship! It's fully loaded with explosives, so it should be enough to get a tailwind!"

Isoka, Akibi, Pukau, and Rongo dove after him to help.

"Wait, Rapanui!," Henzo said, "You don't know what will happen to you if stay behind!"

"We're already fifty years out of time," Rapanui pointed out, "At this point we've got nothing to lose."

"We'll find someway to come back," Isoka promised him, "Just don't give up hope. That's the Pumpkin Pirate way!"

Thomas then realized something.

"A bumpy ride like that could damage the Merry! Honey, we need to create a barrier! Brimstone Cloud!"

"Aqua Bubble!"

The two Logia users generated a large bubble around the Merry just as the Marine ship's powder magazine was detonated, creating a powerful tailwind that launched the Merry out of the Ape's Concert through the crack. The cushion prevented catastrophic damage as the Merry hit the water just outside of Ruluka. Meanwhile, the collapse of the Rainbow Mist created a vacuum that destroyed Wetton's mansion, dropping all the tax money he extorted in the process. The sight of it practically broke Wetton.

"No... All my peaceful days..."

"Someone want to explain to me what the hell is going on?," Ian asked.

Wetton was confused.

"You... You called me in here. And what is Henzo doing still alive?"

"I was locked up in an old Marine ship the entire time," Ian pointed out, "Until those Kung-Fu Dugongs busted me out telling me we were escaping. I didn't think to question it until just now."

"Funny how easily you can be tricked," Harvey said in Ian's voice.

He then swapped to his real voice.

"You must be going senile."

"Alright, that's enough, you pirates," came a new voice.

The Straw Hats looked to see the same Marine fleet that had chased them to Ruluka in the first place. Flip quickly ran over.

"Thank goodness you're here! Those terrible criminals have taken every last bit of the mayor's property!"

Pasqua grabbed Flip's hand and looked at his ring.

"Interesting. This the ring of Princess Illusia. As I recall, it was stolen by pirates years ago. So what's it doing sitting on your finger now?"

Flip was stunned.

"Uh... This was part of a treasure that was resting inside Ape's Concert! We pulled it out of a shipwreck!"

"That means it doesn't really belong to anyone," Pasqua noted.

"That ring is property of my family!," Wetton demanded, approaching with his axe, "And I'll thank you to leave it with us!"

"Any treasure without an owner belongs to the World Government," Pasqua pointed out, "If you're claiming it's your property, then that confirms it's been obtained illegally and it will be considered an act of piracy."

"That's fine by me," Wetton said, "I'm already a pirate to being with. Whatever I want, I take by force!"

He swung his axe, and Pasqua easily blocked it.

"The years have not been kind to you, Wetton," Pasqua noted, "You're not nearly the terror you were fifty years ago."

He then flicked Wetton right in the forehead, sending him flying back. Henzo was stunned as a flicker of recognition hit him.

"It can't be..."

"Good to see you again, Henzo," Pasqua said, "Ah, I should introduce myself. Though you all technically know me. Lieutenant Commander Rapanui Pasqua, at your service."

The Straw Hats' jaws all dropped.

"We promised we'd come back, didn't we?," Isoka said as she stepped forward.

Akibi, Pukau, and Rongo were right behind them, all of them properly aged by fifty years.

"Take Wetton and his crew into custody," Rapanui said.

"Great," Ian said as he was arrested, "Out of one cell and into another."

"How are you guys even alive?," Usopp asked.

"Something of a miracle, actually," Rapanui said, "When we detonated the powder magazine on Dad's ship, the explosion threw us back into the outside world."

"But we wound up back fifty years ago," Isoka said, "Only a few days after we disappeared. And we were nowhere near Ruluka."

"I thought that might have been possible," Robin said, "Some of the ships in Ape's Concert looked to be two hundred years old. Which meant the Rainbow Mist likely had the ability to warp the axis of time."

"But why didn't you come back sooner?," Henzo asked.

"What, did you forget the last time we fought Wetton?," Rapanui said, "We only survived by the skin of our teeth. We had to figure out a different way to defeat and punish him. And I knew we'd need help. So we trained up for several years, then enlisted in the Marines."

"During that time we saw all the amazing events you guys told us about," Pukau said, "Heck, we were there at Loguetown for Roger's execution."

"It did take a while to get to a level where we could override Wetton's authority as mayor, though," Rongo said, "But eventually Rapanui's strength and capturing so many bad pirates got him elevated to Lieutenant Commander."

"Then when we got the wanted posters of you following Crocodile's defeat," Akibi said, "We knew it was time to put our plan into motion."

"And so you started chasing us to herd us right to Ruluka," Robin realized, "In order for history to repeat and ensure you'd be rescued from Ape's Concert."

"We remembered the stories you told us," Isoka said, "Especially Harvey's Noise-Noise Fruit and Thomas's Ash-Ash Fruit. We took that into account as we made our plans."

"You did all this for our home?," Henzo asked.

"We may be wearing the uniforms of Marines," Rapanui said, "But at heart, we're still the Pumpkin Pirates. And we're still friends, no matter how many decades pass."

"That's all well and good," Alvida said, "But aren't your superiors going to be mad if you wind up letting us go? I mean, we are still wanted pirates."

Rapanui chuckled.

"Oh, I think they'll understand that we had our hands full escorting Wetton and his crew back to Marine HQ. Not to mention we do have to help the town stabilize now that Wetton's control over it has ended. Besides, a certain newly-promoted commodore suggested it was better that you continue to sail free."

Luffy and Thomas grinned at each other, knowing Rapanui was referring to Smoker.

And so the Going Merry sailed away from Ruluka.

"So in the end, Henzo was able to properly reunite with his friends," Chopper said.

"Yeah, since they wound up returning to the past," Lasso said, "They got to take the long path back home."

"And now Henzo's reputation with the townsfolk has improved," Yosaku noted, "After all, just because Ape's Concert collapsed doesn't mean the Rainbow Mist is gone forever. Who knows when or where it will turn up again? And Henzo's the only one who's studied it enough to know how to help people survive it."

"That reminds me," Nishijima said, "I was thinking we'd find out who wrote that novel on the Rainbow Mist, but we never did."

"Actually, it turns out it was Rapanui himself," Robin said, "I only just now got to the final volume. And take a look at the final illustration."

The group looked, and was shocked. Right there on the last page was a picture of the five friends, along with the pirate crew that had rescued them. The Straw Hat Pirates.

Ash and Rubber - Chapter 19 - mtnetsurfer (2024)


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Author: Tish Haag

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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.