Remembering Cyclone Seroja 2021: Retrofitting for Resilient Housing and Buildings to Withstand Tropical Cyclones in Indonesia (2024)


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Exactly three years ago—around 3 to 5 April 2021—the Indonesian mainland was hit by Tropical Cyclone (TC) Seroja, one of the rare extreme storm events in low-latitude oceans. Tropical cyclones are non-frontal low-pressure systems that arise in warm tropical seas at latitudes of 10°-20° (Sunarti, 2018). Unlike tornadoes that form on land and whose vortices can reach hundreds of metres, tropical cyclones can be up to hundreds of kilometres in diameter (BMKG, 2015). This makes their impacts much larger and macro-scale. Although many cyclones have historically formed to the north and south of Indonesia since the 1970s, TC Seroja category 1 (Australian scale) is said to be unusual because the system formed near the equator (Sawu Sea) hitting land in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara (Nusa Tenggara Timur/NTT) and began to develop strongly until it turned into a category 3 when it turned to Australia and weakened in the southwest (BOM AU, 2023; Kurniawan, 2021; Syaifullah, 2015). These weather anomalies may be triggered by climate change, which increases the risk of changes in tropical cyclone frequency and intensity (Bhatia et al., 2018; Knutson et al., 2021).

Remembering Cyclone Seroja 2021: Retrofitting for Resilient Housing and Buildings to Withstand Tropical Cyclones in Indonesia (1)Figure 1. Cyclone Seroja Track 3-7 April 2021
Source: Zoom Earth (2021)

TC Seroja had a destructive impact on the East Nusa Tenggara Province. The direct hazards of tropical cyclones include strong winds, heavy to extreme rain, high waves, and tidal waves with quite high intensity. Meanwhile, flash floods and landslides can result from high rainfall. Apart from claiming 182 lives (, 2021), TC Seroja also damaged tens of thousands of houses and buildings. TC Seroja, a category 1 cyclone, caused extensive damage, with records showing 52,793 houses damaged and total losses reaching 1.356 trillion rupiah (Ama, 2021). The resulting damage also varies, from roof damage due to strong winds to flattened buildings due to landslides and flash floods. TC Seroja also impacted three dams, four retention basins, and 11,666 pipe networks in Kupang Regency, NTT. This massive infrastructure damage reminds us of the importance of appropriate policies, regulations, and standards to provide infrastructures that are resilient to climate disasters.

Remembering Cyclone Seroja 2021: Retrofitting for Resilient Housing and Buildings to Withstand Tropical Cyclones in Indonesia (2) Remembering Cyclone Seroja 2021: Retrofitting for Resilient Housing and Buildings to Withstand Tropical Cyclones in Indonesia (3) Remembering Cyclone Seroja 2021: Retrofitting for Resilient Housing and Buildings to Withstand Tropical Cyclones in Indonesia (4)
(a) (b) (c)

Figure 2. Impacts of Strong Winds (a), Flash Floods (b), and Landslides from TC Seroja (c)
Source: (a) & (b) & (2021); (c) Author's Observations (2023)

Policy instruments, regulations, and standards for housing and buildings that are robust to the massive impacts of tropical cyclones are urgent to enforce. Several existing regulations, such as Law No. 1 of 2011 on Housing and Settlement Areas, Presidential Regulation No. 18 of 2020 on the National Medium-Term Development Plan (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional/RPJMN) 2020-2024, and Minister of Public Works and Housing Regulation No. 29 of 2018 on Technical Standards for Minimum Service Standards for Public Works and Housing, demonstrate a focus on livable housing for community well-being. Although existing policy directions have begun to address the importance of setting housing and building standards with disaster-resilient principles (Tran, 2016; Wilson & Lazarus, 2020), consideration of tropical cyclone resilience in the field is still very limited. Building codes, such as SNI 1727:2013, still adopt ASCE 7-10 (US standard) and have not been adapted to the standards in Southeast Asia and beyond, so some of the information in the SNI is vague. Ultimately, HB 212-2002 was used as a reference, which only regulates up to tropical cyclone intensity scale category 1 (Yuanita, 2023). SNI 1727:2013 was later revised with SNI 1727:2020, which more clearly and in detail regulates the loading of buildings up to wind speed level IV (185 km/h or around tropical cyclone intensity scale category 3) (Lassa, 2021; Simanta, 2020). However, it still takes a long time to achieve resilience because it is still difficult to achieve livable houses and implement the previous SNI evenly due to economic, social, and various other considerations that can affect it in society (Yuanita, 2023).

Remembering Cyclone Seroja 2021: Retrofitting for Resilient Housing and Buildings to Withstand Tropical Cyclones in Indonesia (5)
(a) (b)

Figure 3. Example of Cyclone Strap for Retrofit (a) and Example of Strap Installation for Roofing in One of the Post-Cyclone Seroja Houses in Kupang, Indonesia (b)
Source: (a) Brunnette (2023); (b)Author’s Observations (2023)

Retrofitting techniques that combine global best practices with local considerations can significantly improve structures' ability to withstand cyclonic winds and associated hazards. Retrofitting entails improving existing buildings' performance, safety, and resilience in accordance with current standards or specific requirements (Raju, 2017). A critical component of retrofitting is ensuring a strong connection between the roof and the rest of the structure. Installing hurricane or cyclone straps helps secure the roof during high winds and reduces the risk of it being torn off. Strengthening connections between various components, such as roofing with rafters, rafters with beams, beams with purlins, and columns with beams and tie beams, contributes to the building's structural integrity (Rafael and Hendrikus, 2021). Furthermore, using techniques like chicken claw foundations improves stability not only against wind but also against other hazards such as floods, landslides, and soil movement.

Beyond structural improvements, implementing additional preparedness measures is critical. Weigh down the roof with heavy-duty items like tires or sandbags to prevent strong winds from lifting it. Keeping heavy or hazardous objects away from buildings lowers the risk of damage or injury during cyclones. Furthermore, keeping a safe distance between trees and structures keeps them from falling on buildings during storms.

The impacts of TC Seroja emphasise the urgent need for robust policies, regulations, and standards to strengthen Indonesia's infrastructure against tropical cyclones. While existing regulations have made strides in addressing disaster resilience, a more concentrated effort on tropical cyclone resilience is warranted. Retrofit strategies offer promising avenues for enhancing structural resilience to cyclonic winds and associated risks. The effectiveness of retrofitting strategies hinges on strong collaboration between the government and various stakeholders. This partnership is pivotal in ensuring that retrofitting efforts align with local requirements. Moreover, the economic capacity of the community is a key factor in ensuring equitable access to resilient housing solutions and infrastructure. By implementing comprehensive measures and fostering collaboration, Indonesia can fortify its readiness and mitigate the impacts of future tropical cyclones.


  1. Ama, K. K. (2021, May 3). Rumah Rusak Terdampak Badai Seroja di NTT Mencapai 52.793 Unit. Kompas.
  2. Bhatia, K., Vecchi, G., Murakami, H., Underwood, S., & Kossin, J. (2018). Projected response of tropical cyclone intensity and intensification in a global climate model. Journal of Climate, 31(20), 8281–8303.
  3. BMKG. (2015). Perbedaan antara Siklon, Tornado, Puting Beliung, dan Water Spout.
  4. BOM AU. (2023). Tropical cyclone reports.
  5. Brunnette, L. (2023, August 9). How to install Hurricane Ties in 4 steps.
  6. Knutson, T. R., Sirutis, J. J., Zhao, M., Tuleya, R. E., Bender, M., Vecchi, G. A., Villarini, G., & Chavas, D. (2015). Global projections of intense tropical cyclone activity for the late twenty-first century from dynamical downscaling of CMIP5/RCP4.5 scenarios. Journal of Climate, 28(18), 7203–7224.
  7. Kurniawan, R., Harsa, H., Nurrahmat, M. H., Sasmito, A., Florida, N., Makmur, E. E. S., Swarinoto, Y. S., Habibie, M. N., Hutapea, T. F., Hendri, Sudewi, R. S., Fitria, W., Praja, A. S., & Adrianita, F. (2021). The Impact of Tropical Cyclone Seroja to the Rainfall and Sea Wave Height in East Nusa Tenggara. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 925(1). 1315/925/1/012049
  8. Lassa, J. A. (2021, April 9). Siklon tropis Seroja mungkin akan hantam Indonesia tiap tahun, tapi belum dimasukkan kluster bencana. THE CONVERSATION.
  9. (2021). Total Korban Jiwa akibat Siklon Tropis di NTT Jadi 182 Orang.
  10. Rafael, J. W. M., Hendrikus, R. (2021). Rumah Regel ditengah Badai Seroja - Analisa Pola Kerusakan & Konsep Retrofitting. Seminar Nasional Dampak Siklon Seroja pada Bangunan dan Infrastruktur Nusa Tenggara Timur.
  11. Raju, P. M. (2017). Retrofitting of Reinforced Concrete structural elements - Recent Technologies and Future Scope.,rehabilitation%20(or)%20strengthening%20terms.
  12. Simanta, D. (2020). Beban Minimum untuk Perancangan Bangunan Gedung dan Struktur lain (adopsi ASCE 7-16). 0PU_sni-1727-2020-beban-minimum-untuk-perancangan-gedung-dan-strukturlain.pdf
  13. Sunarti, E., Gunawan, E., Widiyantoro, S., Marliyani, G. I., & Ida, R. (2021). Critical point on housing construction, resilience and family subjective welfare after disaster: Notes from the Lombok, Indonesia, earthquake sequence of July-August 2018. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 12(1), 922–938.
  14. Syaifullah, D. R., & Sari, D. M. (2021). DEKOMPOSISI KETIMPANGAN PENDAPATAN DAN DETERMINAN POSISI EKONOMI. Jurnal Litbang Sukowati : Media Penelitian Dan Pengembangan, 5(1).
  15. Tran, T. A. (2016). A Review of Contemporary Literature in the Field of DisasterResilient Housing. In Developing Disaster Resilient Housing in Vietnam: Challenges and Solutions.
  16. Wilson, A., & Lazarus, M. A. (2020). Resilient Design. In Sustainable Built Environments (pp. 143–159). Springer US. 0684-1_1031
  17. Yuanita, C. N. (2023). Study Of Disaster Resilient Housing Policies and Its Implications On Housing Conditions Pre-Post Tropical Cyclone: Cyclone Seroja In Kupang City And Regency [Master’s thesis, Institut Teknologi Bandung]. Digilib ITB.
  18. Zoom Earth. (2021). Cyclone Seroja 2021.
Written by:
  • Cecilia Nonifili Yuanita (DCR Deputy Program Officer)
  • Michael Hutahaean (Programme Officer)
  • William Harahap (RUP Research Officer)
Edited by:
  • Chelsea Patricia (Academic Officer)

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Remembering Cyclone Seroja 2021: Retrofitting for Resilient Housing and Buildings to Withstand Tropical Cyclones in Indonesia (2024)


Who was affected by Cyclone Seroja? ›

Cyclone Seroja
Meteorological history
Overall effects
Damage>$491 million (2021 USD)
Areas affectedIndonesia, East Timor, Western Australia
14 more rows

What year did the cyclone hit Kalbarri? ›

In April 2021, Tropical Cylone Seroja through the state's Mid West and Wheatbelt regions, destroying homes and businesses and leaving an estimated $400 million damage bill. Three years on from the category three cyclone, the community of Kalbarri, which bore the brunt of the system, says recovery is continuing.

Do hurricanes happen in Indonesia? ›

Climatology. The region of Indonesia is not generally traversed by tropical cyclones although a lot of systems have historically formed there.

Are there cyclones in Bali? ›

Bali can experience heavier rains and strong winds between January and mid-April due to tropical cyclones, so this is something to be aware of when planning your trip.

What are the environmental impacts of Cyclone Seroja? ›

Significant damage has taken place on remnant native vegetation on ridgelines, and also to isolated paddock trees. Obvious loss of wildlife breeding trees. In the last 12 months, Fiona has noticed fewer birds including fewer baby birds, less wildlife in general. Probably fewer insects but hard to know.

What was the worst tropical cyclone in the world? ›

The deadliest tropical cyclone in world history is the Great Bhola Cyclone, which struck Bangladesh in 1970 and caused approximately 500,000 fatalities.

Has Kalbarri recovered from the cyclone? ›

Kalbarri SES manager Steve Cable said most houses which were damaged in the cyclone have had repairs finished, but the psychological impact lingered.

What is the meaning of Seroja? ›

SEROJA meaning "Lotus Flower" in the Malay language is a tribute to the Malay Archipelago's rich diversity of cultures and culinary traditions.

When was the biggest cyclone? ›

The strongest tropical cyclone recorded worldwide, as measured by minimum central pressure, was Typhoon Tip, which reached a pressure of 870 hPa (25.69 inHg) on October 12, 1979.

Why are there no cyclones over Indonesia? ›

Indonesia is not a region that forms tropical cyclones. Because of the geographical location of Indonesia which is located at the equator so that it is influenced by the coriolis style. Most tropical cyclones form in areas between 100 and 200 from the equator.

What was the worst natural disaster in Indonesia? ›

Earthquake and tsunami December 26, 2004

Summary of event: In December 2004, the largest magnitude earthquake in Indonesia's history struck off the west coast of northern Sumatra along the fault line between the Indian Plate and the Burma Plate.

How vulnerable is Indonesia? ›

Due to a combination of political, geographic, and social factors, Indonesia is recognized as vulnerable to climate change impacts, ranked 97nd out of 181 countries in the 2020 ND-GAIN Country Index.

What month is best to visit Bali? ›

Most visitors think the best time to visit Bali is between May and August as conditions are warm and sunny. However, July and August in particular can be busy and our experts suggest May, June and September as the ideal months.

Is there a vortex in Bali? ›

The Mother Temple is the central vortex. The holy spring water from the mountain is used by the locals of Bali for performing rituals to purify. Pulaki in the northwest of Bali is the 6th purification vortex. It is said to be a dimension portal to purify the ether.

What is the best time to visit Indonesia? ›

The best time to visit Indonesia is between July and August when the weather is dry but is still cool and inviting. Indonesia's dry season stretches from April to October, and the wet season is from November to March.

Which places are most affected by Cyclone? ›

In general, the coastal districts of West Bengal, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu are more prone and are in the high to very high category.

How many countries were affected by Cyclone Freddy? ›

Cyclone Freddy
Meteorological history
Damage≥$481 million (2024 USD)
Areas affectedMascarene Islands Madagascar Mozambique Zimbabwe Malawi South Africa Eswatini Zambia
17 more rows

How were people affected by Cyclone Tracy? ›

Cyclone Tracy, 1974

Both commercial and industrial losses were huge. Over 80 per cent of all buildings were either destroyed or left seriously damaged. The cyclone resulted in the deaths of 71 people; these included 22 who were lost at sea.

Which countries did Tropical Cyclone Eloise affect? ›

Cyclone Eloise
Meteorological history
Damage>$10 million (2021 USD)
Areas affectedMadagascar, Mozambique, Malawi, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Eswatini
16 more rows


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